HERE: From Global To Hyper Local

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HERE: From Global to Hyper Local
is a lecture series that looks at the meanings of “place” and ways of affecting it. We are interested in a multidisciplinary look at design for communities and innovative ways of approaching challenges, in ways that might then be applied to the challenges facing urban and rural Alaska (erosion, climate, economics, language, subsistence and change), using not just case studies from other parts of the world, but new ways of thinking and engaging – looking at social action as a means for stimulating dialogue and creative solutions.

The buzzword “hyperlocal” connotes having the character of being oriented around a well defined, community scale area with primary focus being directed towards the concerns of its residents. As the Alaska Design Forum takes on special projects geared towards hyperlocal issues in rural Alaska (such as RELOCATE), it is an opportune time to look globally for artists and designers who have big ideas for small places and who have been creative in thinking about communities.

HERE Lecturers

Tezuka – November 26-28
Architect / Tokyo

Carlo Ratti – January 7-9
Landscape, Urbanism Design / Cambridge, MA

Plasma Studio – March 25-27
Architects / London

LUST – April 1-3
Multidisciplinary Graphic Design / The Hague, Netherlands

Lateral Office – April 22-24
Architect / Toronto

Olson Kundig – May 6-8
Architect / Seattle