Michael Ford

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ADF is excited to be hosing Michael Ford as part of this year’s theme: REVISED UTOPIAS. Michael is an architectural designer, an adjunct professor at University of Detroit, Mercy and founder of His Hip Hop Architecture. Blurring the two disciplines of hip-hop culture and architectural practice through academia and youth engagement, he is recognized in both communities as a galvanizer and pioneer of a new era of architects who represent a more equitable future. He is dedicated to stimulate cross-disciplinary discourse on the sociological and cultural implications of architecture and urban planning on its inhabitants, revealing the subconscious roles historical architecture imposes on its inhabitants.

This program is co-sponsored by AIA Alaska and qualifies for one AIA Continuing Education Unit (CEU). This event is also supported by the Alaska Black Caucus.

Thursday, November 5 @ 12:00pm AKDT

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